Note: These Lilting Links are in addition to the sites and blogs in the sidebar.
Central Kentucky Council for Peace and Justice
Christian Peacemaker Teams
Common Dreams: Progressive News and Views
Contacting the Congress
Cost of War: from the National Priorities Project
Frankfort CODEPINK
I Declare World Peace
Jewish Voice for Peace: for Israel-Palestine
Malalai Joya: truth-telling woman of Afghanistan
May Peace Prevail On Earth
MIFTAH: The Palestinian Initiative
No Drones
Our Global Nation: one people, one country, one destiny
Religions for Peace
Rethink Afghanistan
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
The Electronic Intifada
Unitarian Universalist Association
Unitarian Universalist Community of Frankfort
United Nations
United Nations Association of the USA
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
US Constitution
US Department of Peace: a campaign
Women Occupy